#Discover the Holistic Approaches#
Reviewing 1. NAC, 2. Magnesium, 3. Vitamin B12, 4. Zinc, 5. Calcium, 6. Omega-3, 7. Lavender.
Holistic Approaches to Treat Anxiety & Depression Are Still an Option!
Anxiety and depression are among the most widespread mental health problems today. If not addressed, they can lead to dangers like substance abuse and self–harm. But what if we tell you that there are many effective holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression? These don’t just target your symptoms but address multiple components of your health, e.g., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc.
Read on to learn these top holistic approaches and how they can help with your mental health.
Holistic Approaches to Treat Anxiety and Depression
Did you know that globally, almost 5% of adults are depressed, and 4% suffer from anxiety? Many of these people are taking medicine for masking symptoms, which often may have side effects. That’s why it’s better to try natural approaches and other coping methods first, as they are often more wholesome.
The following are some of the most effective holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression:
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was originally developed by researchers as a mucolytic. But, with more observation, it was found that the substance also affected certain chemical messengers of your brain. For example, the supplement raises your dopamine levels and lowers your glutamate levels, which are unbalanced in depression, anxiety, and bipolar patients.
Magnesium is an important body element for cell functioning and utilization of energy. Its supplements are also a great way to make you less anxious. This is because the element reduces your levels of cortisol, a common stress hormone. The supplement also helps calm down hyper-excited nerves associated with both depression and anxiety.
Vitamin B12
Some studies have found a strong link between vitamin B-12 deficiency and depression. In another research, the vitamin was found to have a positive effect on people with anxiety. That’s why you should increase its intake through foods like meat, poultry, and dairy items. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, you can go for supplements instead.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is next on our list of holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression. Low levels of this vitamin have been associated with a higher risk of mental disorders like depression, anxiety, and even schizophrenia. You can regulate its levels in your body via supplements or by incorporating certain foods into your diet. These include milk, yogurt, egg yolks, beef liver, etc.
Zinc plays a significant part in a person's growth and development. Prolonged low levels of this element in your body can eventually cause neuropsychiatric changes. As a result, you may experience mood instability like depression and irritation. To keep up the zinc levels of your body, you’ll need supplements and a diet with eggs, lentils beef, nuts, etc.
Calcium is a mineral beneficial for all sorts of mental disorders because of its sedative nature. Hence, regular levels of the element in your body can help keep mood disturbances, insomnia, and nerve sensitivity at bay. Low levels, on the other hand, will trigger these issues and also lead to anxiety and depression. Primary sources you can get calcium from are, milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, etc.
It’s been observed that countries where people frequently eat fish hardly suffer from depression. This is because the fish they eat contain Omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats help reduce depression-causing inflammation and easily react with mood-related molecules. The best sources of these fats are fish, chia seeds, flax seeds, etc.
Besides supplements, we also have some herbs included in our holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression. Lavender is a herb often used in aromatherapy to help with the two disorders. It can be inhaled through oil or taken through oral products like oil supplements or teas.
It’s well known that mint helps calm your nerves, whether it's through an herbal tea or essential oil. That’s why it’s also one of the most used holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression. If essential oils and teas are not for you, then you can even go for mint supplements.
Lemon Balm
Lemon Blam is a herb that belongs to the mint family. It has been used for anxiety and stress reduction since the Middle Ages. Popular ways of taking the herb include teas, supplements, and tinctures. Besides helping with anxiety, this approach is also great for regulating your sleep.
What Should You Do if Your Symptoms Do not Improve?
While the above holistic approaches to treating anxiety and depression are great, not everyone will be receptive to them equally. That’s why you should always start your treatment with these approaches and observe if they’re working. If they aren’t successful in improving your symptoms, contact your therapist or psychiatric provider. They may suggest the following solutions:
Acupuncture: This method helps your body release endorphins and reduce stress to help with your anxiety symptoms.
Yoga: The technique involves maintaining postures and breathing techniques to help with emotional balance.
Meditation: You can manage anxiety and depression through meditation, as it’ll help control your thoughts. This will, in turn, help improve your emotional stability.
Massage: Massages can help with anxiety and depression by reducing muscle tension and releasing relaxing neurotransmitters.
Here are some common questions you may have about holistic treatments for mental health disorders:
Are holistic approaches more effective than psychiatric alternatives to treat anxiety and depression?
The effect of holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression on a person can vary. So, while they may work better than psychiatric alternatives for some individuals, it’s not always the case.
Can’t I just take antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication instead of holistic methods?
Anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications have side effects, while holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression don’t. So, we advise trying the latter approach first.
Is it possible to get rid of anxiety and depression permanently?
There is no permanent cure for anxiety and depression. But once you find out what supplements and methods work for you, the disorders are very easy to control.
Holistic approaches to treat anxiety and depression are a great way to start your journey toward mental health. However, they may not always be enough. That’s why it’s always a good idea to visit us at Peace of Serenity Psychiatry.
Our expert psychiatrists and therapists will design a personalized plan for your treatment. This will include an optimal combination of holistic methods and complementary therapies for the best results.